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Kelly Neves - Paris - Porto

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Taking part in the Prix des Épicures de l'année 2022 was an opportunity to put my project up against the professionals who made up a jury of excellence. I've been lucky enough to receive several awards since opening my Portuguese grocery store, but the Épicures is the one I'm most proud of. I have a lot of admiration for all the members of this jury, who represent French gastronomy, but also the world with Colombian Chef Juan Arbelaez.
It has also enabled me to expand my network by meeting other entrepreneurs and professionals from the world of delicatessen.

It's a great source of pride for me to have won this award, but also for my customers. They were happy to know that my work had been recognized and put forward within a framework of excellence.
It attracted the curiosity of many people who didn't know about my grocery store. We gained visibility and notoriety. Articles have been written in the Portuguese media, but also in France. It's great recognition on all levels. The most important thing for me was to share this moment with my family and my customers!