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Libeluile - Armelle FOATELLI-GREFFET

Armelle 1

What are the advantages of participating in Les Epicures? The Salon des Epicures is a human-scale show that encourages constructive exchanges to help qualified visitors discover our products.2 major advantages for a craftsman like us: it's held over one day, and the organization is perfectly [...].

Les Délices de Bach - Marie Claire Bach

les delices de bach

I love going to the Salon des Epicures because I love meeting the producers, and there's nothing like meeting them. Behind each aqueous product is a story, a passion. By talking to them, they're able to pass on their passion for good food. I also love going to Epicures to taste the products, it's a [...].

L'Atelier Du Poissonnier - Guillaume JOLIVALDT

latelier du poissonier guillaume jolivaldt

Taking part in the Des Épicures competition is a way of recognizing our work and the know-how of our production teams on a daily basis. The competition is also a place where we can meet and exchange ideas with other producers and with our customers and future customers.

L'Épicerie Vagabonde - Vanessa PARAN

vanessa paran

Les Épicures is the must-attend event for us gourmands! The very best of the delicatessen world, all in one place, an opportunity to meet our suppliers "face to face", at a time when the digital age is upon us, and our business is more local than ever! This year, I have listed 7 of the [...]